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  • Blog
  • 8th Jan 2013

Randomised controlled trials in public policy

Dr Ben Goldacre’s Radio 4 programme about the use of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in public policy is well worth a listen.The programme includes guest appearances from members of the Behavioural Insights Team, with whom Ben wrote a paper on how policymakers can use RCTs to test new interventions.

  • Blog
  • 18th Jan 2013

New publication: The Behavioural Foundations of Public Policy

The team were lucky enough to be sent copies of the Eldar Shafir edited textbook ‘the Behavioural Foundations of Public Policy’. The book contains contributions from many of the world’s greatest behavioural scientists – including Daniel Kahneman, Richard Thaler (who advises the Behavioural Insights Team), Cass Sunstein and George Loewenstein.…

  • Blog
  • 6th Feb 2013

Guardian interview with the Director of the Behavioural Insights Team

Read an interview with Dr David Halpern, BIT Director, in today's Guardian. There is also an article about the team in yesterday's Japan Times.

  • Blog
  • 11th Feb 2013

Telegraph article on the Behavioural Insights Team

Today's Telegraph reports on some of the team's work over the past two years, including: increasing the rate of tax payment; increasing the uptake of loft insulation; helping to get job seekers back into work.

  • Blog
  • 4th Jul 2013

Policy Experiments at the 1st International Conference on Public Policy

Some of the team attended the first International Conference on Public Policy, held in Grenoble, France. In addition to presenting some of the team’s work on tax compliance and charitable giving to an academic audience, they also took the opportunity to view the interesting work of others. Of particular interest…

  • Blog
  • 8th Aug 2013

Partners in Washington to build on BIT work

Over the past week or two there has been lots of coverage of a new team in the White House that will look to apply lessons from behavioural sciene to public policy. The US team will be headed by Maya Shankar, who met members of BIT in Washington to discuss how we will exchange ideas…

  • Blog
  • 1st Oct 2013

European Commisson conference on behavioural science in public policy

Our Deputy Director was one of the keynote speakers at the European Commission’s conference on the application of behavioural insights to public policy earlier this week. The biannual gathering is becoming one of the biggest gatherings of European policymakers interested in applying behavioural insights. To coincide with the event, the…

  • Person

Dr Michael Hallsworth

Dr Michael Hallsworth is BIT's Chief Behavioural Scientist. Before his current role, Michael was Managing Director of BIT Americas and previously led BIT's global work on health and tax. Earlier in his career, Michael was a Senior Policy Advisor in the Cabinet Office of the UK government and has in-depth…

  • Blog
  • 31st Jan 2014

On the use of evidence-based policy

Why do we use evidence-based policy?The reasons for the use of evidence-based policy should be obvious to policymakers. Anyone in a position to make decisions should look to do so with the most robust evidence for them.In some cases robust evidence may indicate that some policies are not only ineffective,…

  • Person

Dr Alex Gyani

Alex is the Managing Director of the Behavioural Insights Team's APAC offices. He has been based in Sydney since 2014. He has advised governments around the world on how to use behavioural science to improve policy outcomes and increase the use of evidence-based policy more generally. Previously Alex oversaw the…