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  • Blog
  • 11th Jul 2024

How can we reach non-English speakers for cancer screenings?

Not everyone takes advantage of screening when they’re eligible, and groups with language and cultural barriers get screened even less.

  • Blog
  • 6th Jun 2024

Hacia la Erradicación del Dengue y otras Enfermedades Vectoriales: Un Enfoque Conductual y Sanitario en América Latina

Las ciencias del comportamiento ofrecen herramientas esenciales para influir en las prácticas y decisiones de las comunidades, promoviendo así un enfoque proactivo para reducir la prevalencia de las enfermedades transmitidas por el mosquito.

  • Blog
  • 31st May 2024

How media coverage of vaping restrictions might influence public perceptions: insights from a new study

To the disappointment of many anti-smoking campaigners, the Tobacco and Vapes Bill was shelved last week as the UK parliament was suspended ahead of the election in July.  The headline measure would have banned the sale of cigarettes to anyone born after 1 January 2009, but the bill would have…

  • Blog
  • 29th May 2024

Gen Z teens are taking far fewer risks

We look at how teenagers in Great Britain today are taking fewer drugs, gambling less, and having fewer pregnancies than previous generations.

  • Person

Dr Alejandro Salgado

With over a decade of consulting experience, I have led 400 transformative projects worldwide, focusing on the application of behavioral science to create high-impact social interventions and strategies. My work integrates data analytics and experimental psychology to shape project management, product development, and strategic planning. Currently directing efforts in Latin…

  • Press release
  • 1st May 2024

BIT and HelpMum Africa selected for the new 8.5M VaxSocial grant to develop behavioural social media interventions to build vaccine confidence

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) and HelpMum Africa have been awarded a major significant grant to explore the role of behavioural change interventions in vaccine uptake in Nigeria, India and Indonesia.

  • Blog
  • 30th Apr 2024

Mengatasi ketidakacuhan di era pasca-pandemi: Bagaimana caranya untuk meningkatkan serapan vaksinasi?

Apakah Anda tahu berapa banyak varian hasil mutasi virus SARS-CoV-2 yang telah muncul sejak awal pandemi? Anda mungkin sudah berhenti mengikuti beritanya karena pandemi sudah tidak lagi menjadi perhatian utama kita. Padahal, varian virus SARS-CoV-2 menjadi hal yang dibicarakan banyak orang ketika WHO mengeluarkan izin penggunaan darurat vaksin COVID-19 pertama…

  • Blog
  • 30th Apr 2024

Jabbing through indifference in the post-pandemic era: how do we encourage vaccine uptake?

Vaccine access and hesitancy are as much behavioural challenges as they are policy challenges in Indonesia, and globally, which threaten to prolong the impact of the pandemic.

  • Blog
  • 18th Mar 2024

L'entretien prénatal précoce, une étape clé du parcours de grossesse encore trop peu exploitée

Cette consultation est obligatoire pour toutes les femmes enceintes depuis mai 2020 et prise en charge à 100% par l’assurance maladie. 

  • Report
  • 5th Mar 2024

How can we encourage women to get screened for breast cancer through the national digital medical platform Mon espace santé?

This project was conducted in 2022-2023 as part of our framework agreement with the Directorate for Government Transformation (DITP). We assisted the DITP’s behavioural sciences unit following a sollicitation from the Délégation du Numérique en Santé (DNS) and the national fund for health insurance (CNAM) in order to help them…