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  • Blog
  • 13th Jul 2023

The low cost policy that the renter's reform bill doesn't cover

The Renters Reform Bill has been making its way through the House of Commons since May of this year. The bill includes many long-awaited reforms, such as eliminating ‘no fault’ section 21 evictions, and making it illegal for landlords to discriminate against people who receive benefits or who have children.…

  • Blog
  • 24th May 2023

How can behavioural insights reduce future short term demand in the NHS?

Today, we’re highlighting some ways in which we might reduce future short term demand, including (i) reducing necessary referrals, follow-ups, and investigations, (ii) improving patient self-care and management, and (iii) supporting patients while they wait.

  • Blog
  • 19th Dec 2022

Reducing van deliveries in London

Reducing the environmental impact of the ‘last mile’ of deliveries between the transportation hub and customers’ homes

  • Blog
  • 15th Jun 2022

Can banking institutions use prize draws to help customers save money?

To help people save more of their money, banks, building societies and credit unions have launched accounts in recent years known as prize-linked savings accounts. These accounts represent an innovative approach that enters savers into a periodic cash prize-draw if they save regularly. They can be a powerful tool to…

  • Blog
  • 11th Nov 2021

Money Talk - more than a penny for your thoughts

Historically, not mentioning money has been an age-old rule that has guided British social interactions. However, this social norm may do more harm than good.

  • Blog
  • 8th Apr 2021

Results from (probably) the first behavioural experiments with landlords in the UK

There is a growing need to establish effective ways to encourage private landlords to let properties to those on Universal Credit, both from a property owner and renter point of view. To address the dearth of evidence in this space, we ran two online randomised controlled trials, using our experiment platform…

  • Blog
  • 11th Mar 2021

Increasing take up of free childcare to improve outcomes in Greater Manchester

One of the ways HMG encourages parents to put their children in early education is through the free early education entitlement for two-year-olds (also known as the two year old offer), which gives low income parents and parents of children with special educational needs up to 15 hours of free…

  • Blog
  • 18th Feb 2021

Helping local economies rebuild after COVID-19 - collecting evidence on what works

Before the pandemic the UK had some of the highest levels of regional inequality in the developed world. The coronavirus pandemic  has exacerbated existing differences, for example unemployment has risen four times as much in Blackpool as in Cambridge. Manchester (where BIT North is based, and I live) has been…

  • Blog
  • 1st Nov 2019

Keeping people safe at work using behavioural insights

It’s Friday and for many in the UK, the weekend means a trip to the local chippy to enjoy some fish and chips. But getting fish to our tables has a hidden high cost: commercial fishing remains one of the nation’s deadliest professions. One of the leading causes of death…

  • Blog
  • 15th Aug 2019

BIT joins forces with the Centre for Homelessness Impact (CHI) to drive behaviour change in landlords

BIT is working with the Centre for Homelessness Impact (CHI) to test the effectiveness of homelessness interventions by applying - and rigorously evaluating - behavioural science methods.