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71-80 of 136 results

  • Blog
  • 28th Aug 2020

From a workshop to farms: reducing bovine tuberculosis in Argentina

Bovine tuberculosis results in a $7 million annual loss for Argentinian farmers, forces the country to throw away 19,000 kilos of meat every day and could have detrimental public health implications if not well managed. Here is how BIT applied behavioural science to tackle this challenging problem.

Also available in: Español

  • Blog
  • 28th Aug 2020

Ciencias del comportamiento en los campos ganaderos de Argentina: reduciendo la tuberculosis bovina

¿Podrán poner en práctica lo que estamos dictando en este curso o sus apuntes terminarán en el fondo de un cajón? Si alguna vez tuviste que facilitar un taller o una capacitación seguramente esta pregunta te resulte familiar.  Motivados por nuestra misión de capacitar a nuestros aliados, BIT ha facilitado…

Also available in: English

  • Blog
  • 15th Oct 2020

Piloting and prototyping new handwashing stations in Bangladesh

We recently took to the field in Bangladesh where we are running a project with international development organisations BRAC and BIGD to reduce coronavirus transmission. Here, we’re installing 1,000 public handwashing stations at busy locations such as outside mosques, markets, schools and bus stands, to improve access to hygiene facilities…

  • Report
  • 9th Nov 2020

Improving school management in Guatemala with ‘rules of thumb’

BIT completed a project with the Guatemalan Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) to improve school management and student attainment in high schools in Guatemala.

  • Blog
  • 5th Feb 2021

Can ‘rules of thumb’ training for principals improve Guatemalan schools?

In 2018, we visited high schools across Guatemala with our excellent partners in the Guatemalan Ministry of Education (MINEDUC). We were trying to understand why only 32% of high-school students pass the national standardised exam in reading comprehension and only 10% pass the exam in Maths. Here's what we found.

Also available in: Español

  • Blog
  • 5th Feb 2021

Can ‘rules of thumb’ training for principals improve Guatemalan schools?

En 2018, visitamos escuelas secundarias en Guatemala con nuestros excelentes socios en el Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala (MINEDUC). Tratábamos de entender por qué solamente el 32 % de los estudiantes de secundaria aprueban el examen nacional estandarizado de comprensión de lectura y solo el 10 % aprueban el examen…

Also available in: English

  • Person

Erin Britton

Erin is a Senior Advisor at BIT Americas. Prior to joining BIT, Erin worked as a social impact consultant, providing strategy, capacity building, and program evaluation support to nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and foundations across the U.S. and internationally. Her work and interests lie in managing change, building strong, collaborative…

  • Person

Miguel Rosales

Miguel is a Senior Advisor and works in the International Development area. Prior to BIT, Miguel worked in the Mexican Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, within the International Affairs Unit, and as an advisor to the Undersecretary of Finance. Before that, he worked in the Rural Supply Program Evaluation…

  • Blog
  • 23rd Apr 2021

Nudging bystanders to fight sexual harassment isn’t easy, but could make perpetrators think twice

Many of us would like to think we’d do something to stop sexual harassment if it happened right in front of our eyes. Indeed when we surveyed over 3,000 commuters getting off public buses in Dhaka, 9 out of 10 respondents listed at least one helpful action they would take…

  • Person

Alice Escande

Alice est Conseillère Senior au BIT France où elle travaille sur des projets à impact social dans les domaines de la santé publique, du bien-être et de la cohésion sociale. Avant de rejoindre le BIT, elle a travaillé en tant que Associée Senior au Busara Center for Behavioral Economics au…