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71-80 of 136 results

  • Report
  • 20th Aug 2020

Addressing Information Barriers to Birth Registration

Our collaboration with Registro Nacional de las Personas (RENAP) explored how behavioural insights could be applied to increase birth registration in Guatemala. Not being registered at birth presents a number of obstacles in later life, such as lack of access to healthcare, education, social programs and land ownership. Inconsistent information…

  • Blog
  • 12th Aug 2020

Sending money home: Remitting to the Pacific Islands

Last week it was announced that up to 170 people from Vanuatu can soon leave their families and come to work in Australia on farms. The program is a trial resumption of one of Australia and New Zealand’s seasonal labour mobility schemes. The schemes are mutually beneficial: farms in Australia…

  • Blog
  • 7th Aug 2020

COVID-19 prevention: Too much information?

When communicating about coronavirus, policymakers face a delicate balancing act: sharing enough information that people know what to do, but not so much that it becomes overwhelming. How much information is too much?  To answer this question we ran a randomised controlled trial (RCT) in Bangladesh on good handwashing technique,…

  • Academic publication
  • 1st Aug 2020

Video-observed therapy and medication adherence for tuberculosis patients: randomised controlled trial in Moldova

In this study, we analyse the effectiveness and patient cost-difference of video-observed therapy (VOT) compared to clinic-based directly observed therapy (DOT) in improving medication adherence in Moldova, a LMIC in Eastern Europe.

  • Person

Dr Dan Brown

Dan is a Principal Advisor in International Development working primarily on health and anti-corruption in low and middle income countries. He leads projects on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), vaccination, the Covid-19 response, sexual and reproductive health, and corruption reporting; using a range of interventions including chatbots and edutainment. He…

  • Report
  • 5th Jun 2020

Evaluating the Impact of a Small Taxpayer Guide on Tax Compliance

In our third trial with Superintendencia de Administración Tributaria (SAT), we evaluated the impact of SAT's ‘Small Taxpayer Guide’ on Small Taxpayer’s declarations over the six months after they registered with the tax authority. By providing taxpayers with the guide when they are registering with SAT, we hoped to leverage a…

  • Blog
  • 31st Mar 2020

BIT joins partners in Kenya to increase access to sexual reproductive health services

Across the world, numerous barriers prevent girls from accessing the sexual reproductive health services (SRH) they need. Indeed, 29 countries require women to gain the consent of a spouse or partner to access such services, and in another 45 countries, parents must give consent for their children to access HIV…

  • Person

Maggie McNease

Maggie is an Advisor based in New York. Her work primarily focuses on helping local and city governments embed evaluation practices and apply behavioral insights to policy. Before joining BIT, Maggie worked as a Community Economic Development Volunteer for the Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic where she consulted on…

  • Report
  • 20th Mar 2020

#JustSaveIt - Encouraging Usage of Agent-Based Bank Accounts to Improve Financial Inclusion

We partnered with UN Pulse Lab Jakarta and the Secretariat of the Indonesian National Council for Financial Inclusion to increase financial inclusion in Indonesia. For true financial inclusion to occur, financial services such as bank accounts need to be useful and accessible to people who own them. While 56% of…

  • Press release
  • 18th Feb 2020

Behavioural Insights Applied Live Academy by UK’s Behavioral Insights Team

During a 3-day capacity-building and problem-centered learning workshop representatives from “Work Armenia” working group and public servants will learn the nuances of behavioral experiments.