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61-70 of 252 results

  • Blog
  • 18th Nov 2022

Combating antibiotic resistance

Today marks the start of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022. How can we reduce overconsumption of antibiotics?

Also available in: Français

  • Blog
  • 18th Nov 2022

Combattre la résistance aux antibiotiques

Aujourd'hui marque le début de la Semaine mondiale de sensibilisation aux antimicrobiens 2022. Comment pouvons-nous réduire la surconsommation d'antibiotiques?

Also available in: English

  • Blog
  • 16th Nov 2022

Helping users shape their digital world

Who should make decisions regarding governance of a social media platform that connects billions of people?

  • Blog
  • 16th Nov 2022

Parents' critical role in helping teens continue to say “no” to alcohol

While abstinence is the norm, more work needs to be done to encourage the minority of under-18s who do drink to change their behaviour

  • Past event
  • 29th Nov 2022

Market Behaviour

The Behavioural Insights Team's Gambling & Policy Research Unit is hosting a reception in the House of Lords to bring together experts in the field to discuss actions that need to be taken NOW to bring the huge UK gambling market up to date to protect consumers from gambling harms.

  • Blog
  • 20th Oct 2022

Home is where their work is

The unique workplace safety issues faced by in-home disability and aged care workers

  • Past event
  • 9th Nov 2022

Webinar: Leveraging behavioural science to promote health & wellness

Leveraging behavioural science to promote health & wellness

  • Person

Antonio Hanna-Amodio

Antonio is an Advisor in the International team. His work involves designing behavioural policies that are tailored to a range of contexts and cultures, with a focus on impact and scalability. Antonio has worked across many policy areas: including sustainability, diplomacy, healthcare and economic policy. He holds a first-class honours…

  • Report
  • 22nd Sep 2022

Using behavioural insights to reduce gift-giving in a Tanzanian public hospital

Previous research has shown that social norms of gift-giving and reciprocity are linked to patterns of bribery in the Tanzanian health sector. Health facility staff that do not accept a gift or reciprocate a favour are often punished by means of gossip, criticism, and even social isolation, further enforcing the…

  • Current project

How can we make support services more accessible and impactful?

In Year 2 of the Gambling Policy and Research Unit, we will be increasing our focus on support services and treatment for those at risk of, or experiencing gambling harm. One of our Year 2 aims is to improve access to gambling support services. This is currently in the scoping…