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41-50 of 63 results

  • Blog
  • 17th Jul 2023

Applying behavioural insights in community-based organizations

Nonprofits of all sizes can generate meaningful benefits from applying behavioural insights (BI), from increasing charitable giving to growing program enrolment, and more. 

  • Blog
  • 2nd Oct 2023

Learn how to use behavioural science to improve your business leadership & decision-making

But by understanding how and why we make the decisions that we do, we can improve how we make decisions as individuals and how large groups of people make decisions at scale.

  • Blog
  • 25th Oct 2023

Hacking the learning process: Learn how to apply BI by running your own project

We know that practical experience, or learning-by-doing, is a powerful method for learning. When we run training programmes, we want to make sure that every learner walks away with a deep understanding not only of what was on our slides, but more importantly, of the underlying principles and how to…

  • Blog
  • 8th Dec 2023

Beyond lockdowns and parties: what we can learn from the systemic failures of the pandemic

The headlines have so far focused mainly on the drama and failings within No. 10, and especially on the early months of the pandemic up until the first ‘lockdown’. But there is a danger that this focus crowds out a hard-headed analysis of the wider system failures that help explain…

  • Blog
  • 28th Dec 2023

Three Promising Opportunities for Applied Behavioral Science Compliance, Cybersecurity & Human Resources

Applied behavioral science has flourished in the private sector over the past decade. Today, there are an estimated 154 corporate behavioral science teams. And this figure doesn’t begin to capture the full magnitude of this work, including recent projects by such disparate companies as Unilever, Indeed and Meta.  

  • Blog
  • 4th Jan 2024

Three Challenges for Applied Behavioral Science: Overcoming the Hurdles to Private Sector Adoption

While we like to think of ourselves as open to new ideas, the reality is that encountering a new framework or way of thinking is also somewhat threatening.

  • Blog
  • 9th Jan 2024

La promesa de las ciencias comportamentales en América Latina

El mes pasado, el equipo de BIT América Latina y El Caribe (BIT LAC) viajó por la región. Compartimos nuestro conocimiento sobre las ciencias comportamentales, reflexionamos sobre el futuro de la disciplina, y aprendimos de los profesionales, académicos, y funcionarios locales. 

  • Blog
  • 9th Jan 2024

A promessa da ciência comportamental na América Latina

Nos últimos meses, a equipe BIT LAC viajou pela região. Compartilhamos novos conhecimentos sobre insights comportamentais; refletimos sobre o futuro da área; e aprendemos com profissionais locais, acadêmicos e funcionários públicos.

  • Blog
  • 17th Jan 2024

Learning from Fujitsu: The importance of procurement reform

Since the airing of the ITV drama Mr Bates v Post Office, the public outrage at the criminalisation of hundreds of innocent people has naturally focused on the Post Office’s leadership and long running political inaction.

  • Blog
  • 1st Feb 2024

How behavioural science can make you a better leader

Four ways that applying behavioural insights can make you a better leader