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41-50 of 189 results

  • Report
  • 30th Apr 2023

Quels défis freinent la création de pensions de famille par les élus locaux et comment y répondre ?

Ce projet a été réalisé en 2022-2023 dans le cadre d’un accord-cadre avec la Direction Interministérielle de la Transformation Publique (DITP). Nous avons accompagné l’équipe sciences comportementales de la DITP sur sollicitation de la Délégation Interministérielle à l'Hébergement et à l'Accès au Logement (DIHAL)

Also available in: English

  • Blog
  • 17th Mar 2023

Behavioral science can help prevent the spread of fake news

In a 2022 study, we successfully reduced susceptibility to fake news. Using videos informed by behavioural science, we reduced people’s intent to share disinformation about sexual and reproductive health education (SRHE), increased their knowledge, and shifted their perceptions on the topic.

Also available in: Español

  • Blog
  • 17th Mar 2023

Las ciencias del comportamiento pueden ayudar a prevenir la difusión de noticias falsas

En un estudio realizado en 2022, logramos reducir la susceptibilidad a las noticias falsas. Utilizando videos basados en las ciencias del comportamiento, redujimos la intención de las personas de compartir desinformación sobre la educación en salud sexual y reproductiva (también conocida como la educación sexual integral, o ESI), aumentamos sus…

Also available in: English

  • Person

Laura Litvine

Laura dirige le bureau parisien de BIT, où elle mène une équipe travaillant sur une série de projets à visée sociale adressant des problématiques variées, depuis la santé publique à la protection des consommateurs, en passant par la durabilité, l’éducation, ou encore les finances publiques. Elle travaille au BIT depuis…

Also available in: English

  • Person

Martin Wessel

Martin is an Associate Advisor in our Home Affairs and Social Cohesion team. He works on policy areas spanning crime, justice and social capital and mobility. Before joining BIT, Martin worked in financial services with a particular focus on microfinance. Martin holds an MSc in Behavioural Science from LSE which…

  • Blog
  • 6th Oct 2022

Partnership with PolicyGarage

Key to BIT’s ethos is our partnership-led approach. Over the last 10 years we’ve been lucky enough to partner with hundreds of ambitious and innovative organisations and governments around the world.  In the last couple of months one of these exciting partnerships has involved working with Policy Garage, a public…

  • Blog
  • 20th Sep 2022

How can citizens shape the future of social media platforms?

An everyday genius of humans is that we collaborate and cooperate to get things done. We share with others our thoughts and values, and they in turn share, support, and challenge. However, this process can also create the conditions for offence, misunderstanding and conflict. Nowhere do we see this more…

  • Person

Neeraj Rahal

Neeraj is an Advisor in our Home Affairs and Social Cohesion team. Prior to joining BIT, Neeraj was a forensic psychologist in training with HM Prison and Probation Services, carrying out psychological risk assessments, and providing advice to parole boards and other stakeholders. Additionally, he has also worked as a…

  • Person

Dr Laure Bokobza

Laure is a Senior Research Advisor in the Home Affairs, Security and Education team. Before joining BIT, she completed a PhD in Political Science at the University of Oxford, where her research focused on wealth inequality and redistribution, social movements, and non-democratic politics. She also taught quantitative methods to graduate…

  • Blog
  • 24th Aug 2022

Supporting households through the cost of living crisis

Inflation is running at a 40 year high and the Bank of England forecasts that the UK will enter a recession by the end of the year. Many people across the country are facing enormous pressure, which is only mounting. Tackling this will be a huge policy challenge over the…