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41-50 of 143 results

  • Blog
  • 1st Nov 2022

Five ways to cut your energy bill that actually work

We’ve been reviewing the evidence and have identified five actions households can take that will have meaningful impacts on their energy usage

  • Blog
  • 25th Oct 2022

How can behavioural insights help save energy in the workplace?

Reducing energy usage at the workplace is not always as simple as just turning down the thermostat - employers must facilitate a shift in the way employees behave

  • Blog
  • 18th Oct 2022

Do Behavioural Insights work for tigers?

We overestimate our ability to manage risks - even if there's a very real chance of being attacked by tigers!

Also available in: Indonesian

  • Blog
  • 18th Oct 2022

Apakah wawasan perilaku berlaku untuk harimau?

Kami melebih-lebihkan kemampuan kami untuk mengelola risiko - bahkan jika ada kemungkinan yang sangat nyata untuk diserang oleh harimau!

Also available in: English

  • Blog
  • 13th Oct 2022

Should banks encourage green behaviours?

Given the wealth of data they hold, banks are very well placed to provide timely and personalised advice on sustainability of purchases

  • Person

Antonio Hanna-Amodio

Antonio is an Advisor in the International team. His work involves designing behavioural policies that are tailored to a range of contexts and cultures, with a focus on impact and scalability. Antonio has worked across many policy areas: including sustainability, diplomacy, healthcare and economic policy. He holds a first-class honours…

  • Blog
  • 5th Oct 2022

Investors are stuck between climate commitments and action

Many financial institutions have announced major climate commitments. Are they real shifts or just empty claims to capitalise on greener consumer preferences?

  • Blog
  • 29th Sep 2022

We need to talk about climate change. But how?

From a behavioural perspective, communicating climate change is rife with difficulties

  • Blog
  • 23rd Sep 2022

People don’t know what to do in extreme heat

Now is the best time to prepare for next summer’s extreme heat.

  • Person

Oli Adcock

Oli is Associate Advisor in the Financial Behaviour team of the EPIC cluster. He works at the ‘policy’ end of projects relating to debt, savings, pensions and other aspects of financial life. He also works on select projects with the Energy and Sustainability team. Before BIT, Oli split his time…