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31-40 of 170 results

  • Report
  • 11th Jul 2018

Gobierno conductual

Este reporte también está disponible en inglés Los gobiernos utilizan cada vez más las ciencias del comportamiento para diseñar, mejorar y reevaluar sus políticas y servicios. Incorporando estos conocimientos, las entidades gubernamentales adoptan una visión más realista del comportamiento humano obteniendo de esa forma mejores resultados.  Sin embargo, paradójicamente, los…

  • Person

Heng Hwee Koh

Heng Hwee is a Senior Advisor in the Singapore office working on a range of issues including inequality, sustainability, and international development. Her particular focus is on applying behavioural insights to digital behaviours. Before joining BIT, Heng Hwee worked with the Institute of Policy Studies to investigate socio-geographical differences in…

  • Blog
  • 18th Sep 2018

Rich and poor: what’s in a number? New measure for poverty from the Social Metrics Commission

Today sees the publication of new proposals from the Social Metrics Commission. Its report sets out a new measurement framework for poverty in the UK. It’s surprisingly tricky to get a group of experts – or the general public – to agree who is rich and poor, let alone what…

  • Blog
  • 16th Oct 2018

Building stronger, more cohesive societies using behavioural insights: new report

In cohesive societies people trust each other, feel part of a shared identity and are able to work together to create a common good. In turn, these societies tend to be happier, richer and more peaceful. However, multicultural societies face particular challenges in building social cohesion, as people tend to…

  • Blog
  • 29th Oct 2018

Helping our public service leaders - the new Centre for Public Services Leadership

In 1997, leaders from Cardiff’s local authority, police, city licensing regulators, an emergency department and a local university met to discuss a problem. Violent crime was increasing in the city at a disturbing rate. Something had to be done. Seven years later, violence-related hospital admissions were down by 35% and…

  • Report
  • 29th Oct 2018

Evidence Report: Literature review and semi-structured interviews to support the establishment of the Centre for Public Services Leadership

An evidence-based report summarising BIT findings on effective leaders in UK public services.

  • Report
  • 24th Jan 2019

The Behavioural Insights Team Annual Update Report 2017-18

Latest results from the team, covering issues from healthcare to humanitarian aid.

  • Blog
  • 30th Jan 2019

Psychology of tricky decision making

As Westminster wrestles with the issue of Brexit, we look at the psychology of tricky decision making.

  • Blog
  • 21st Mar 2019

A landmark evaluation of the Troubled Families programme

New study released this week from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

  • Blog
  • 15th Apr 2019

Tackling online harms and manipulations: download our new paper

Most of us will spend at least half of our free time over the next year looking at screens