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31-40 of 391 results

  • Article

Patient data consent

  • Article

Data science & health inspections

  • Publication
  • 31st Mar 2017

Encouraging People into University

Results from a randomised controlled trial that found that sending letters to young people influences their behaviour when applying to university.

  • Policy proposal
  • 6th Jul 2017

Children in need: Project Crewe

In 2014, the Department for Education funded the Social Work Innovation Fund, which aimed to encourage new thinking in how children’s services support young people. The Behavioural Insights Team have conducted an evaluation of one pilot funded through the Innovation Fund, Project Crewe.

  • Blog
  • 13th Sep 2017

Britain's census matters. Can we boost participation and save money?

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) plays a vital role in British life. Without ONS statistics, government and local authorities would not be able to calculate or understand inflation, immigration, or employment reliably, nor could government design and implement effective policies to manage those issues. Statistics determine how public funds…

  • Article

Improving career advice attendance

  • Article

Reducing risky gambling

  • Article

Increasing uptake of tax-free childcare

  • Article

Pension savings & investments

  • Blog
  • 6th Feb 2018

One hundred years of votes for women: what next to close the gender gap in politics?

Behavioural science can offer a range of solutions for the political gender gap. One promising direction is to increase the visibility of female politicians that young women can identify with.