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21-30 of 64 results

  • Blog
  • 2nd Sep 2021

New for employers: updated evidence on what works to reduce the Gender Pay Gap

We’ve recently wrapped-up a large-scale ‘Gender and Behavioural Insights’ (GABI) research programme, a collaboration with the Government Equalities Office to investigate what works to improve gender equality in the workplace. Our work has yielded some interesting insights. For instance, we found that  unconscious bias training does not change attitudes in…

  • Blog
  • 15th Sep 2021

Behavioural Insights Team launches Gambling Policy & Research Unit 🎲

Today, BIT launches the Gambling Policy & Research Unit, a dedicated team of specialists with a mandate to develop and rigorously test methods and approaches to significantly reduce gambling harms. The UK is already the largest regulated gambling market in the world. Our vision for the Gambling Policy & Research…

  • Blog
  • 16th Feb 2022

Peer-to-peer financial guidance at work: Lessons from the field

If you are an employer, it will come as no surprise that financial concerns impact your employees’ mental and physical health, and can even affect work performance. Research estimates that money worries cost the UK economy £120bn and 17.5 million lost hours of work. The good news is, employers can…

  • Past event
  • 28th Jun 2022

Webinar: Applying Behavioral Science in the Private Sector - part 1

The first webinar in our 'private sector' series will focus on opportunities to apply behavioral insights to: help employees and customers resist online scams, increase compliance to cybersecurity measures/practices and promote honesty in filing insurance claims and providing financial information.

  • Blog
  • 22nd Jun 2022

Atelier: Promouvoir l’engagement civique grâce aux sciences comportementales

Alors que les taux d’abstention lors des dernières élections ont atteint des niveaux historiques, les élans de solidarité et d’entraide qui se sont manifestés durant les confinements, ou pour soutenir les populations déplacées par la guerre en Ukraine, montrent que les citoyens restent mobilisés au service des autres et de…

  • Past event
  • 11th Oct 2022 - 18th Oct 2022

Workshop: Applying Behavioral Insights to Achieve Environmental, Social and Governance Goals

As organizations set increasingly ambitious environmental, social and governance (ESG) goals, they will need a robust set of approaches to meet their targets. Behavioral insights is an important part of the solution – ESG leaders can leverage this approach to launch successful behavior change initiatives, among employees, customers and other…

  • Blog
  • 6th Oct 2022

Partnership with PolicyGarage

Key to BIT’s ethos is our partnership-led approach. Over the last 10 years we’ve been lucky enough to partner with hundreds of ambitious and innovative organisations and governments around the world.  In the last couple of months one of these exciting partnerships has involved working with Policy Garage, a public…

  • Past event
  • 23rd Nov 2022 - 25th Nov 2022

Behavioural Science in Practice

This three day course follows closely the tried and tested Behavioural Insights Team project process

  • Academic publication
  • 11th Oct 2022

Behavioural prompts to increase early filing of tax returns: a population-level randomised controlled trial of 11.2 million taxpayers in Indonesia

In a population-wide randomised controlled trial (n = 11,157,069), we evaluated the impact of behavioural email prompts on the proportion of annual tax returns filed at least two weeks before the deadline and overall filing rate.

  • Past event
  • 9th Nov 2022

Webinar: Leveraging behavioural science to promote health & wellness

Leveraging behavioural science to promote health & wellness