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21-30 of 180 results

  • Blog
  • 29th Jun 2023

Four perspectives on embedding behavioral insights into companies

How can leaders promote, apply, and embed behavioral science within their organizations?

  • Blog
  • 11th Apr 2023

5 Insights & Actions to Enhance Compliance Programs

How can cultural psychology and behavioural science be leveraged to improve compliance programs? We recently explored this question in a webinar.

  • Blog
  • 4th Apr 2023

Responding to financial turbulence

A lot depends on market ‘sentiment’, i.e. economic actors’ beliefs or attitudes towards specific financial instruments, institutions or entire market segments, in turn influencing their behaviour. A critical element shaping confidence is the expectation of how others will act.

  • Blog
  • 22nd Mar 2023

Good data is critical to employment equity

Good data is essential to achieving workplace equity goals.  Imagine as an employer that you’re trying to increase equity in your team or organisation but aren’t sure what your current staff demographics are. To establish an accurate baseline and inform targets, you’ll need data. Specifically, employee self-identification information. This is…

  • Blog
  • 15th Mar 2023

How to improve quality of work using Behavioural Insights

The latest UK figures show that over a fifth of people aged 16-64 are out of the labour force (neither working nor looking for work). Some of the reasons for inactivity are financial, but others are much more than financial.

  • Blog
  • 24th Jan 2023

AI to BI: Using artificial intelligence in qualitative research in the Middle East

BIT used AI to co-create images for a campaign to encourage adults in the Middle East to share technical training opportunities with their children

  • Person

Laura Litvine

Laura dirige le bureau parisien de BIT, où elle mène une équipe travaillant sur une série de projets à visée sociale adressant des problématiques variées, depuis la santé publique à la protection des consommateurs, en passant par la durabilité, l’éducation, ou encore les finances publiques. Elle travaille au BIT depuis…

Also available in: English

  • Blog
  • 29th Nov 2022

How to deliver inclusive recruitment

Employers can unnecessarily put off or turn away appropriate candidates if their recruitment processes are not inclusive

  • Blog
  • 15th Nov 2022

‘Best buys’ and budgets

Evidence generation remains a minority sport

  • Blog
  • 14th Nov 2022

Statistics are too important to be confusing

Why people often find economic statistics confusing and difficult to understand and what to do about it