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21-30 of 252 results

  • Blog
  • 21st Dec 2023

Improving handwashing in Rohingya settlements in Cox’s Bazar

With the generous support of Reckitt Global Hygiene Institute (RGHI), BIT collaborated with the BRAC Social Innovation Lab (SIL) to encourage usage of HWSs among the Rohingya nationals in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh through developing BI-informed communication interventions that addressed behavioural barriers faced by the community. 

  • Working paper
  • 20th Dec 2023

Working Paper No. 004 / Effectiveness of SMS reminders to increase demand for HPV immunisation: a randomised controlled trial in Georgia

In Georgia, a country with low rates of uptake of the HPV vaccine, we conducted a country-wide RCT that included over 55,000 girls aged 10-12, representing the entire population of eligible unvaccinated girls of this age in the country.

  • Working paper
  • 19th Dec 2023

BIT Working Paper No. 003 / A randomised controlled trial to measure the impact of supportive text messages on attendance and engagement with treatment among lmproving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) patients

In 2019/20 1.7 million people were referred into the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service in England. Of these, one in three did not complete a course of treatment (defined as attending two or more treatment appointments). One reason for dropout is long wait times with limited communication.

  • Person

Dr Emily Gray

Emily is an Associate Advisor within the Health and Wellbeing team at BIT's London office. Prior to joining BIT, Emily worked as a Clinical Psychologist for the NHS, specialising in working with individuals with neurological illnesses and disability. Emily holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and a BA in Experimental…

  • Blog
  • 25th Nov 2023

Domestic violence : a tool to increase screening by 76%

Doctors can be powerful allies for women suffering domestic violence

  • Person

Jess Jenkins

Jess is a senior policy advisor in our Rapid Insights Team - a joint policy venture with Nesta, that brings together new research and expertise from both organisations to address pressing policy challenges. She leads the team's work on health, and is also currently leading our trial on the use…

  • Blog
  • 19th Oct 2023

Encourager la participation des femmes au dépistage du cancer du sein

Sur la période 2021-2022, en France, moins de 50% des femmes éligibles  au programme de dépistage organisé du cancer du sein y ont participé. À titre de comparaison, elles étaient 65% au Royaume-Uni.

  • Blog
  • 11th Oct 2023

Combating sedentary behaviour in the office, one step at a time

Four out of ten French people spend more than 7 hours a day sitting down and 95% of us do not exercise enough to protect our health from the consequences of this sedentary lifestyle. That's why Paris 2024 is trying to encourage Parisians to "move more," starting in their own…

  • Blog
  • 10th Oct 2023

Combattre la sédentarité au bureau, une marche après l’autre

Le Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) a accompagné Paris 2024 dans ce défi. Après avoir observé et interrogé les équipes de Paris 2024, les chercheurs et designers du BIT ont conçu des interventions pour promouvoir l'usage des escaliers en interne. 

  • Blog
  • 6th Oct 2023

Bold moves from the PM: Unpacking the behavioural angle of Rishi Sunak's Party Conference speech

Cigarettes are the only legal consumer product that, when used correctly, will kill the majority of users. Raising the smoking age on a regular basis, as New Zealand has done, was one of our recommendations to the Khan Review on making smoking obsolete, and is supported by the public, per…