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21-30 of 189 results

  • Report
  • 4th Dec 2023

From Gen Z for Gen Z: Marketing Insights for Government Employers

The United States needs technological innovation to solve its most pressing problems—the climate crisis, health care costs, and more. Unfortunately, too few people with cutting-edge skills are interested in working in the federal government. Only 4% of federal government technologists are under 30, while over half are approaching retirement.  How…

  • Blog
  • 12th Oct 2023

A behavioural lens on Keir Starmer's conference speech

It was the Leader of the Opposition’s fullest, and most personal, account of what he thinks ails Britain and how a Labour government might go about fixing it.

  • Blog
  • 6th Oct 2023

How can benefits calculators and grants portals help the financially vulnerable? 

According to the social policy company Policy in Practice, £19 billion in benefits go unclaimed in the UK each year. The cost of living crisis will likely result in this number growing yet further, as the government has moved to supplement the incomes of benefit claimants. 

  • Report
  • 29th Sep 2023

Media literacy uptake amongst 'hard to reach' citizens

This report provides insight into citizens’ current rates of engagement with media literacy initiatives, the barriers to engagement these citizens face, and the factors that might stimulate their increased engagement in the future.

  • Blog
  • 28th Sep 2023

Eye robot: Using simulated eye-tracking as a behavioural research technique

It has been said that eyes are the windows to the soul. But for BIT, eyes are better thought of as the doorways to behaviour. This is because looking at things is one of the most obvious ways to understand attention, and attention itself is one of the most important…

  • Person

Mia Mayixuan Li

Mia is an Advisor in the International Programmes Team. Prior to joining BIT, Mia worked for the United Nations Development Programmes as a Communications Officer. Her work to date with BIT has focused on the application of behavioral insights to a broad range of policy challenges. These include anti-corruption, gender…

  • EYV Lab project


Preventing dating, relationship, and gender-based violence

  • Report
  • 15th Aug 2023

Estrategias basadas en las ciencias del comportamiento para abordar la violencia contra las mujeres en América Latina y el Caribe

Las ciencias del comportamiento, referidas al estudio riguroso de la conducta humana y de cómo nuestras acciones son moldeadas por el contexto, pueden desempeñar un papel clave en el desarrollo de soluciones basadas en la evidencia para este problema.

  • Report
  • 15th Aug 2023

Mejorando la seguridad de las empresarias en Honduras: siete estrategias desde las ciencias del comportamiento

Este documento presenta los resultados de una investigación cualitativa realizada en 2020 desde la mirada de las ciencias del comportamiento, cuyo propósito fue entender los retos y las oportunidades de las pequeñas y medianas empresarias en Honduras, principalmente relacionados con su seguridad.

  • Person

Jack Martin

Jack is Assistant Director within the Ending Youth Violence Lab and has over 9 years of experience working at the Early Intervention Foundation and sits on the Government’s Trials Advice Panel.