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131-140 of 143 results

  • Report
  • 24th Jan 2019

The Behavioural Insights Team Annual Update Report 2017-18

Latest results from the team, covering issues from healthcare to humanitarian aid.

  • Person

Heng Hwee Koh

Heng Hwee is a Senior Advisor in the Singapore office working on a range of issues including inequality, sustainability, and international development. Her particular focus is on applying behavioural insights to digital behaviours. Before joining BIT, Heng Hwee worked with the Institute of Policy Studies to investigate socio-geographical differences in…

  • Blog
  • 10th Sep 2018

How new number plates could green Britain's roads

Yesterday Chris Grayling announced a consultation on green number plates as part of efforts to increase ownership of zero emission vehicles and cut Britain’s carbon emissions. The idea, already implemented in countries like Norway, Canada, and China, would make electric and hydrogen cars much more visible on our roads. We…

  • Blog
  • 22nd Dec 2017

The case for turkey sandwiches, and other food for thought this Christmas

With Christmas around the corner, many of us in the UK find ourselves frantically purchasing vast amounts of food. Turkeys, Christmas puddings, mince pies – all must-haves for Christmas day. Unilever estimated that during Christmas, on average, 263,000 turkeys, 740,000 slices of Christmas pudding and 7.5 million mince pies go…

  • Report
  • 30th Nov 2017

Evaluating the Nest Learning Thermostat

Four field experiments evaluating the energy saving potential of Nest's Smart Heating Control

  • Person

Sasha Tregebov

Sasha is the Director of BIT Canada, leading BIT's team in Toronto and its work across Canada. BIT Canada works with a wide range of Canadian organizations that are dedicated to social impact. We have done work with the Government of British Columbia's Public Service Agency, Environment and Climate Change…

  • Person

Alexander Clark

Alex oversees our work around the Asia-Pacific region, from Hong Kong to Pakistan. He helped to set up the Singapore office in 2016, and spent several years working in Singapore on health policy and financial behaviours, before increasingly taking on our work overseas. In 2023 he became our head of…

  • Report
  • 27th Apr 2016

Smart Meters Derogation Guidance: supporting energy supplier applications for trials of in-home display alternatives

Behavioural Insights Team, Madano and DECC co-drafted guidance for energy suppliers who wish to seek a derogation from the requirement to offer domestic consumers an In Home Display (IHD) as part of a smart meter installation, in order to trial alternative In Home Displays (IHDs).

  • Person

Toby Park

Toby leads the energy, environment and sustainability work at BIT, covering topics as diverse as energy, water, mobility, food systems, circular economy and wildlife conservation. His expertise lies in the psychology of pro-environmental action at the individual and societal level. He has delivered in excess of 50 projects designing and…

  • Person

Dr Alex Gyani

Alex is the Managing Director of the Behavioural Insights Team's APAC offices. He has been based in Sydney since 2014. He has advised governments around the world on how to use behavioural science to improve policy outcomes and increase the use of evidence-based policy more generally. Previously Alex oversaw the…