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121-130 of 180 results

  • Blog
  • 14th Jul 2022

Combating panic buying with behavioural insights

Some of the memorable images of the COVID-19 pandemic were pictures of empty shelves in supermarkets, as shoppers panic bought in response to public health restrictions. Here in Australia, we’ve seen the country go in and out of major restrictions over the past couple of years, with panic buying occurring…

  • Blog
  • 23rd Aug 2022

How to apply behavioural insights to meet the FCA’s Consumer Duty

In July 2022, the FCA published its long-awaited policy statement and guidance on the Consumer Duty. As we wrote in our previous blog on the Consumer Duty, in a clear break from past regulation, it requires firms to put rigorous evidence on consumer behaviour at the heart of what they…

  • Blog
  • 24th Aug 2022

Supporting households through the cost of living crisis

Inflation is running at a 40 year high and the Bank of England forecasts that the UK will enter a recession by the end of the year. Many people across the country are facing enormous pressure, which is only mounting. Tackling this will be a huge policy challenge over the…

  • Report
  • 9th Sep 2022

Lower-risk gambling guidelines

The lower-risk gambling guidelines (LRGGs) were developed and introduced in Canada in 2021, providing guidance to gamblers on the amount of money, time and number of different types of gambling activity they should conduct to reduce their risk of gambling harm. They were compiled by comparing gambling involvement with gambling related harm…

  • Person

Oli Adcock

Oli is Associate Advisor in the Financial Behaviour team of the EPIC cluster. He works at the ‘policy’ end of projects relating to debt, savings, pensions and other aspects of financial life. He also works on select projects with the Energy and Sustainability team. Before BIT, Oli split his time…

  • Report
  • 15th Sep 2022

Payroll Savings Schemes in Northern Ireland: Evaluation Report

As part of the UK Strategy for Financial Wellbeing, the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) aim to encourage two million more working-age people on low-to-modest incomes into the habit of saving regularly by 2030. One way to support people struggling to save is through payroll saving schemes. BIT partnered with MaPS…

  • Report
  • 16th Sep 2022

Assessment of consumer demand for gambling industry transparency

BIT ran an online experiment with a sample of 2,034 UK frequent gamblers to better understand what information consumers value when choosing a gambling operator to bet with. The top two attributes that people who gamble favour are price and value, and customer service information. However, there were overall only…

  • Past project


Behavioural market design can be used to recalibrate and better align operator incentives to create a safer, more enjoyable, and more competitive market. In this work by the Gambling Policy & Research Unit, we took the first steps in designing a behaviourally informed market, undertaking research into what pieces of…

  • Current project

The role of the bank – exploring and prototyping gambling management bank tools

In year 2 of the Gambling Policy and Research Unit, we will be exploring the existing tools utilised by banks to help their customers monitor and control their gambling spend. We’ll be focusing on evaluating the impact of these tools, and designing prototypes for new and/or existing tools, to help…

  • Current project

The world is full of adverts, some more harmful than others. What does the gambling ads ecosystem look like?

In Year 2 of the Gambling Policy and Research Unit, we will be exploring and mapping gambling ads for slot games, to identify common features and inducements, categorise how inducements are presented, and identify any features that could be seen to be misleading or irresponsible. This project will help us…