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91-100 of 136 results

  • Person

Tim Ramsey

Tim is a Principal Advisor in the International Team, overseeing BIT's work in the Middle East and North Africa. He has 8 years experience of running complex projects in the UK and overseas, including in behavioural science and qualitative research. Before joining BIT, Tim was the Founder and Chief Executive…

  • Person

Mayra Alejandra Cabrera

Mayra Cabrera is a Senior Advisor for BIT Latin America and the Caribbean, where she harnesses behavioral insights to implement impactful, human-centered interventions in a wide range of policy areas. With more than eight years of public service experience, she uses innovative approaches, including Edutainment, chatbots, and strategic campaigns, to…

  • Blog
  • 1st Dec 2021

Engaging men and boys as allies in preventing violence against women and girls

Men and boys are critical allies to creating a safer world for women and girls.

Also available in: Español

  • Blog
  • 1st Dec 2021

Involucrando a hombres y niños como aliados en la prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas

Una de cada tres mujeres experimenta violencia física y/o sexual en algún momento de sus vidas, la mayoría a manos de una pareja íntima, tanto a nivel mundial como en América Latina. Los estudios demuestran que los hombres son los responsables de la inmensa mayoría de estos actos.

Also available in: English

  • Person

Tess Moseley-Roberts

Tess joined BIT as an Associate Advisor in the Home Affairs, Security and International Development team and has since worked across peacebuilding, anti-corruption and education in the international space and a number of UK criminal justice projects.  She joined BIT after working in the voluntary sector for a charity focussed…

  • Report
  • 24th Jan 2022

Mass media, behaviour change & peacebuilding

Up to 100,000 people are killed each year as a result of violent conflict. But this is only one part of the human cost. Impact on families and communities can be felt decades later. Millions of individual decisions underpin these tragic impacts: people decide either to stoke hatred or to…

  • Blog
  • 25th Jan 2022

Can mass media reduce violent conflict?

Violent conflict is one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity. Armed violence causes physical devastation, suffering, displacement and death. It creates trauma now and for generations to come. So how can we reduce violent conflict or prevent it from happening in the first place?

  • Blog
  • 28th Jan 2022

If you build it, will they come? Increasing handwashing in Bangladesh during a pandemic

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, over a quarter of people around the world didn’t have access to handwashing facilities at home. The Hygiene Behaviour Change Coalition (HBCC), set up by the UK government and Unilever, sought to change this. As part of the coalition, BIT supported BRAC to…

  • Blog
  • 9th Feb 2022

Where we’ve been and where we’re going: Latin America and the Caribbean

Over the past 8 years, we have run more than 40 projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, including 24 randomized controlled trials. Our work spans 14 countries (and counting!) and our partners range from local and national governments to NGOs, the private sector, and international organizations. We are delighted to…

Also available in: Español

  • Blog
  • 9th Feb 2022

Dónde hemos estado y hacia dónde vamos: América Latina y el Caribe

Durante los últimos 8 años, hemos ejecutado más de 40 proyectos en América Latina y el Caribe, incluidos 24 ensayos controlados aleatorios. Nuestro trabajo abarca 14 países (¡y contando!) Y nuestros socios van desde gobiernos locales y nacionales hasta ONG, el sector privado y organizaciones internacionales.

Also available in: English