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1-10 of 136 results

  • Person

Dr Antonio Silva

Antonio is the Head of Integration and Social Cohesion. Since joining BIT in 2013, Antonio has worked on a range of policy areas, including education, loneliness and crime. He designed one of the world's first robust evaluations of counter-radicalisation programmes and is currently leading the design of large scale interventions…

  • Person

Dr Alex Gyani

Alex is the Managing Director of the Behavioural Insights Team's APAC offices. He has been based in Sydney since 2014. He has advised governments around the world on how to use behavioural science to improve policy outcomes and increase the use of evidence-based policy more generally. Previously Alex oversaw the…

  • Article

Behavioural insights and tuberculosis

  • Blog
  • 22nd Dec 2014

Results from BIT tax trial in Guatemala

You might remember reading a blog post back in May that announced the launch of our first randomised controlled trials in Latin America, in partnership with the World Bank. We now have results. The trial tested redesigned reminder letters to Guatemalan taxpayers who had failed to declare their income tax…

  • Person

Mónica Wills Silva

Mónica is the Director of International Programmes for BIT EMEA. Since joining the team in 2015, she has worked with a broad range of partners including charities and international organisation (the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, UNDP, UNICEF, CIFF), the UK government (Department For International Development, the Foreign and…

  • Person

Ravi Dutta-Powell

Ravi is a Senior Advisor based in our Sydney office. He has experience applying behavioural insights in a wide range of policy areas, including regulation and compliance, consumer finance, education, and international development. He has helped a number of regulators understand and overcome behavioural barriers to compliance, and is a…

  • Article

Financial inclusion

  • Article

Tax compliance

  • Person

Chloe Bustin

Chloe is a Principal Advisor in the International Programmes team. Since joining BIT in 2016, she has worked on a broad range of policy areas in the UK and overseas, including gender equality, crime prevention, poverty reduction, employment, corruption and tax. She has collaborated with government partners, international organisations, such…

  • Academic publication
  • 15th Jun 2016

Behavioral Interventions in Tax Compliance: Evidence from Guatemala

This paper presents results from a large (43,387) nationwide randomized controlled trial in Guatemala that used reminders to promote tax compliance.