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  • Blog
  • 24th May 2024

Superando la Sequía: Enfoques Innovadores y Soluciones Sostenibles en la Gestión del Agua

Un elemento clave en la búsqueda de prácticas sostenibles de gestión del agua, es la implementación de estrategias que integren las ciencias del comportamiento en el desarrollo de soluciones.

  • Blog
  • 19th Mar 2024

We need to talk about behaviour change and climate

Fresh from the Chatham House Energy Transition Conference, Toby Park, our Head of Energy, Transport and Sustainability Policy at the Behavioural Insights Team, sat down with Professor Felix Creutzig (lead author of the IPCC on demand), Dr Christina Demski (Deputy Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation)…

  • Report
  • 13th Mar 2024

Réduire la pollution lumineuse en décourageant l'éclairage nocturne des commerces

En 2021, l’Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) estimait que 85% du territoire métropolitain était exposé à de forts niveaux de pollution lumineuse, principalement générés par les éclairages artificiels la nuit.  Or, la pollution lumineuse engendre de nombreuses conséquences sur la biodiversité, perturbant les habitats et les cycles de vie…

Also available in: English

  • Report
  • 13th Mar 2024

Minimising light pollution by discouraging nighttime lighting in businesses

This project was conducted in 2021/2023 as part of our framework agreement with the Direction Interministérielle de la Transformation Publique (DITP). We assisted the DITP behavioural sciences department following a solicitation from the their office on biodiversity. In 2021, the Office français de la biodiversité (OFB) estimated that 85% of…

Also available in: Français

  • Report
  • 13th Mar 2024

L'appui des sciences comportementales pour concevoir et évaluer l'indice de réparabilité

Promouvoir la réparation plutôt que le remplacement de produits défectueux représente un enjeu majeur pour une consommation plus durable. En France, seuls  40% des produits électroniques et électriques en panne seraient réparés annuellement.

Also available in: English

  • Report
  • 13th Mar 2024

Leveraging behavioural insights to design and test the repairability index in France

Promoting repair rather than replacement of faulty products is a major challenge for more sustainable consumption. In France, only 40% of electronic and electrical products that break down are repaired each year.

Also available in: Français

  • Blog
  • 1st Feb 2024

Behavioural Science in Latin America and the Caribbean: BIT's Journey and Vision for 2024 and beyond

as the new Director of our LAC team, ushering in an era of tech-driven behavioral insights.

  • Blog
  • 4th Dec 2023

Pounds for pylons - when do incentives backfire?

People living ‘close’ to new infrastructure will receive up to £1,000 per year off their electricity bills as well as a wider community benefit fund allowing them to support local social projects. 

  • Blog
  • 30th Oct 2023

Behavior change is key to successful climate action plans

Successful climate action plans must consider, and plan for, changing people’s behavior. For the world to reach net zero emissions by 2050, 62% of emissions cuts require residents or businesses to change what they do.

  • Person

Ambika Bhura

Ambika is an Associate Advisor in the EPIC cluster, positioned within the Energy, Environment & Sustainability team. Prior to joining BIT, Ambika completed the MSc Behaviour Change at University College London. She has a professional background in ed-tech and career counselling. She holds a BA in Psychology from Lady Shri…