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  • Report
  • 11th Jul 2018

Behavioural Government

Using behavioural science to improve how governments make decisions

  • Report
  • 11th Jul 2018

Gobierno conductual

Este reporte también está disponible en inglés Los gobiernos utilizan cada vez más las ciencias del comportamiento para diseñar, mejorar y reevaluar sus políticas y servicios. Incorporando estos conocimientos, las entidades gubernamentales adoptan una visión más realista del comportamiento humano obteniendo de esa forma mejores resultados.  Sin embargo, paradójicamente, los…

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  • 1st Aug 2018

Reducing the gender pay gap and improving gender equality in organisations

Evidence-based actions for employers

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  • 15th Aug 2018

Enhancing central bank communications with behavioural insights

A joint study from the Bank of England and the Behavioural Insights Team

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  • 1st Oct 2018

From Intentions to Action: The Science Behind Giving Behaviours

This was a collaboration between The Rideau Hall Foundation and the Behavioural Insights Team

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  • 1st Oct 2018

Can behavioural insights be used to reduce risky play in online environments?

The rise of online gambling means that placing a bet is only ever a few clicks away. This increased accessibility has been a boon for the majority of gamblers who play safely. However, for those that are negatively affected by gambling, increased accessibility poses a risk of financial, social or…

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  • 19th Oct 2018

Reducing Tax Return Errors in Form 1770 in Indonesia

The aim of this project was to reduce common errors that Indonesian taxpayers make when completing certain sections of their tax return form. In an online experiment using BIT’s Predictiv platform, we tested the impact of a two-page FAQ flyer on accuracy when completing the form. Compared to participants who…

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  • 19th Oct 2018

Encouraging Earlier Tax Returns in Indonesia

In Indonesia, as in other countries around the world, a large proportion of taxpayers file their taxes at the last minute. This leads to long queues in front of tax offices and crashes of the online system around the deadline, which erodes tax morale and puts pressure on the system.…

  • Report
  • 19th Oct 2018

Reducing Social Security Contribution Arrears in Indonesia

A large proportion of companies registered with BPJSTK have contribution arrears at some point during the year. This puts employees at risk because they would not be covered by BPJSTK’s insurance in the event of an accident. It also lowers the contributions made towards their pensions. We tested the effectiveness…

  • Report
  • 29th Oct 2018

Evidence Report: Literature review and semi-structured interviews to support the establishment of the Centre for Public Services Leadership

An evidence-based report summarising BIT findings on effective leaders in UK public services.